Monday, January 5, 2009

Help Needed!!

Hello everybody!

I'm sure, as you noticed, that the videos keep getting removed. I was thinking, and I realized that I can't keep checking up everyday, and then upload 3 episodes every night, and then also add the subtitles. That's when the idea came up! If I had a few people (even as few as three!) to help me out, it could be much easier. The idea is that I'll send you the video and the subtitles, you could upload the episodes and the subs! If I had three people to help me out, we would each have 3 videos to be in charge of. All you'll need to do is make a new Google account and then download the Google Video Uploader, upload the videos, add the subtitles, and give me the links (or username and password.) Of course if I got 12 people we could each be in charge of one. Or even better - we would each be in charge of 2, so that if one gets deleted, we can always get a second copy from someone else.

So what do you guys think? Anyone up for it?

Thank you!


  1. I'm happy to help. I have no idea how to upload videos, so if you can send along instructions, that would help. But other than that, I can open a new account, download the uploader, etc. It's worth it to me to keep the videos available.

  2. Thanks! Please email me at

  3. I'd love to do it. I already have a google account. All you would have to do is send instructions, so I don't screw them up. This is definatley worth it!

  4. I could probably help you with this as well.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. thanks so much for these! unfortunately, just started watching and ep. 2 is missing :( looks like some other episodes are also gone. can you upload or provide them to me to upload?

  7. On HBO Sarah - doesn't start until May 09

  8. Ep 9 seems to be missing too - I can't stop now after watching the first 8! :-(

  9. This idea will not work since I can't send the episodes (they are too large). Anyone have any ideas?

  10. The only other thing I can think of is we can mail recordable DVDs to you, you send us copies, and then we help maintain the site from there. Or are the episodes located on the internet by URL?

  11. if all these people are willing to upload episodes of TB then why can't I watch episode no. 2 I just watched no. 1 and am bumbed out because I can't continue.

  12. Hey why is it that its always episodes 2, 6 and 9 that get deleted? Hmmm...
    Wasn't episode 6 Sookie and Bill's first time together?
    Wow totally screw the mood!
    What mean people!
    Am I Right?


    This program lets you transfer up to 1GB files between people who have the program.

    I'm willing to help upload the files if someone wants to step-by-step me through it (never done it before so I'm flying blind here)

    This is definitely the best place I've found to watch True Blood, hate to see it fail...

  14. Where did they all go? Are they being reposted?

  15. Hey I am up to helping out just send me info! My account is

  16. I'm also willing to help you upload the vids! ~_~ I have a Google account. Just send me an instruction too. ~_~

  17. well u can upload it, then people can download it using real player or some fire fox application.

  18. Hi I saw this site but don't see any episodes to download. If they're going to be re-downloaded please let me know at Thanks

  19. HI: I would love to help and would really like to see the episodes I have heard to much about. HBO is playing them again but I missed the first 5 so really want to see them. So please make that happen, You can reach me at Thanks for all the hard work you have done for everyone . Sorry that they keep going away. Look forward to starting with one and working my way through. Hugs

  20. Hey, I would love to help! I'm always on here, anyway.

    (My Blog is Vampire Movie Spot )

    I have some youku links of the episodes, so if you are fiending for an episode that is missing, you can watch it low-quality there.
    But, I'd rather link to this site when we finally get everything up and running! I know I watched the entire first season on this site because I was traveling and didn't have HBO in every hotel room. It streams so much faster and you always put up high quality videos!

  21. Hey guys i realy like this site and i read you were having problems im willing to help and you know how the files are too big to send use megaupload and give us a link to it hope that helped

  22. Hi,

    I'd love to pitch in and help; so if you want to, please send me an email telling me what I need to do, and I'd gladly follow. Thanks for the awesome site!

    An (

  23. You know if you post the videos under a different name they wont be deleted.
    Put a name that makes no sense at all and as numbers.
    Although that way people will only be able to track it to these links.

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