Monday, January 5, 2009

Help Needed!!

Hello everybody!

I'm sure, as you noticed, that the videos keep getting removed. I was thinking, and I realized that I can't keep checking up everyday, and then upload 3 episodes every night, and then also add the subtitles. That's when the idea came up! If I had a few people (even as few as three!) to help me out, it could be much easier. The idea is that I'll send you the video and the subtitles, you could upload the episodes and the subs! If I had three people to help me out, we would each have 3 videos to be in charge of. All you'll need to do is make a new Google account and then download the Google Video Uploader, upload the videos, add the subtitles, and give me the links (or username and password.) Of course if I got 12 people we could each be in charge of one. Or even better - we would each be in charge of 2, so that if one gets deleted, we can always get a second copy from someone else.

So what do you guys think? Anyone up for it?

Thank you!